Cat-Challenger SP185B biçer gibi bişey

Ynt: Cat-Challenger SP185B biçer gibi bişey

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Ynt: Cat-Challenger SP185B biçer gibi bişey

Challenger® SP Series Self-Propelled Windrowers

Whether your needs call for a rotary disc header, a sickle header or a draper header, you’ll find the perfect match with a Challenger SP “B” Series self-propelled windrower. Three different models cover the gamut of horsepower, capacity and convenience. Yet, every model boasts certain amenities that are standard across the board.

Rated at 115 horsepower, the SP115B can be equipped with the dual-sickle AHB Series headers, AHBT TwinMax™ sickle headers or the DHB draper headers. The SP185B on the other hand, was designed with both the strength and the horsepower to handle the model DKHB Series rotary disc headers, as well as all “B” Series sickle and draper headers.

Model Range

Model Horsepower

SP115B 115 hp (86 kW)

SP185B 185 hp (138 kW)

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